In the News

June 6, 2012: Berries Fight Cancer (Dr. Weil)

Christine Sardo, who manages clinical trials on berry consumption and cancer prevention for Ohio State University’s College of Medicine, says “We have an opportunity with berries to prevent or control carcinogenesis. It is a natural approach. It is a whole-foods approach.”

June 6, 2012: Dr. Weil’s Favorite Anti-Inflammatory foods (Dr. Weil)

“…a study at Ohio State University found that black raspberries reduce the incidence of certain cancers in animals by 50 percent.”

May 10, 2012: Oral Cancer Research Finds Benefits of Black Raspberries (Austin Dental Center)

“Dr. Mallery of Ohio State University has spent approximately thirty years in the dental field, focusing her attention on the prevention of oral cancer. Recently, she announced findings that suggest that the common berry could play a large role in making prevention increasingly possible.”

March 15, 2011: How to Use Black Raspberry to Fight Cancer (Livestrong)

“In fact, Oregon State University’s Berry Health Benefits Network reports that black raspberries contain even more antioxidant compounds than other berries, boasting extremely high levels of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins. These substances fight cell-damaging compounds called free radicals, and might help black raspberries prevent and fight cancer.”

May 24, 2011: Herbal Uses for Black Raspberries (Livestrong)

“Research conducted at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center and published in 2008 in the journal “Cancer Research” concluded that black raspberries may inhibit the development of certain types of cancers. The research studied the effectiveness of the chemicals found in black raspberries in preventing and fighting different types of cancer. The study found that these chemicals may protect your DNA from mutations and inhibit blood from reaching tumors, thereby stunting the growth of certain types of cancer tumors. In controlled lab tests, black raspberries stopped the development of esophageal and colon cancer.”

June 28, 2011: The king of berries: British black raspberry superfood will help prevent cancer  (UK Daily Mail)

“Studies have shown that extracts of raspberries and blackberries may slow the growth of breast, cervical, colon and oesophageal cancers.”

June 30, 2011: Black Raspberries and Cancer (Livestrong)

“Black raspberries are all natural, safe and free of side effects unless you are allergic to them. Using freeze-dried black raspberry powder concentrates the beneficial components in black raspberries so you get a larger dose while consuming a smaller amount. When using black raspberries to help minimize cancer risk, you also get a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals and some of your recommended daily fiber intake.”

August 25, 2011: Black Raspberries and Antioxidants (Livestrong)

“Black raspberries are also especially high in anthocyanins, which have been linked to improved memory, cardiovascular health, better vision and lower risk of high blood pressure. They may also play an impressive role in cancer prevention. A study published in the January 2009 issue of ‘Cancer Prevention Research’ showed evidence in lab rats that black raspberries may reduce incidences of esophageal tumors and inhibit growth of tumors already present.”

July 11, 2010: Health Benefits of Black Raspberry Supplements (Livestrong)

“Black raspberries have a high concentration of ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, which are oxygen molecules that damage cells and contribute to chronic conditions like cancer and heart disease.”

August 27, 2008: Black Raspberries Slow Cancer by Altering Hundreds of Genes (The Science Daily)

“New research strongly suggests that a mix of preventative agents, such as those found in concentrated black raspberries, may more effectively inhibit cancer development than single agents aimed at shutting down a particular gene.”

May 11, 2007: Black Raspberries Shown to be Highly Effective in Preventing Cancer (Natural News)

“A new study conducted by Ohio State University researchers has documented the power of black raspberries to prevent the development of tumors in the esophagus and colon. The study’s findings were presented at the March 2007 national meeting of the American Chemical Society.”